How to find, evaluate and purchase your dream horse... 

(and kick up your own dealmaking skills in the process)

The Complete Horse Business Series

You Have Dreams, Let's Put Hooves Under Them

Power of Expertise...


The Complete Horse official Guide to Purchasing a Horse "The Champion Buyer's Guide" Is what you have been looking for to position yourself squarely  in the drivers seat as your own advocate in the process of buying a horse - even if you aren't a horse expert.


If you think you're ready to step into the horse life, or just really curious about  and want to know how to identify and purchase the right horse for you that is safe, sound, solid (and yes, dreamy), while smartly navigating the deal-making pitfalls the horse world is famous for, this course is absolutely for you!


During this 6 week course you'll learn the exact formula Leslie uses for buying and importing investment horses such as Jumpers, Pure Spanish Horses, a USEF Horse of the Year (Catango V) Thoroughbreds, endurance horses, sport horses, ranch horses and beloved backyard ponies. The deal is the same. You’ll look over her shoulder as she walks you through how to be your own advocate, set up your own Super Net system, exact negotiation strategies, how to look critically at every horse to weigh greatness and weakness, the 3 fatal anatomy red flags, and how to know your field before you ever step into it.


While there are indeed honorable sellers and dealers with right intention and solid integrity, appreciating them while employing a system that shines light on all parts of the deal to keep things honest will save you money, heartache and even safety.


Whether this is your first run at buying a horse, and you’re looking for insight (and very good alternatives if it isn’t quite the right time) or if you are a seasoned veteran who would like to add to your own bag of tricks. This is the course for you.


Savvy Business people take note - this offers seriously effective

out-of-box strategy for YOU. 

The best secret kicker with this course and system is what it does for your business (you know... your day job).  Because the skilled navigation through the horse dealin' kind of sharks, hones your deal making logic with a perspective that is rare or non existent in the business world... 


Week 1 - So You Think You're Ready...

Week 2 - Where Is Your Dream Horse, Anyway?

Week 3 - Your Super-Net System

Week 4 - What The Heck is a PPE?

Week 5 - Holster Those Dreamy Eyes For Battle, Captain!

Week 6 - The Dance of the Deal

BONUS - Best Practices For Optimizing Your Budget

BONUS - Bag O Tricks Challenge

  • Ready To Ride?

    The 4 key questions you need to answer to know whether you're ready for horse ownership (and the very cool options to have horses in your life anyway, if the answer happens to be "not yet").

  • Over My Shoulder

    A walk-through of the exact system I use when evaluating every horse under consideration for purchase - from backyard pony to $700K European Investment Jumper.  

    How I look at a sale horse critically and point out my 5 anatomy red-flags

  • Your Own Advocate

    The three most common under-the-table deals between professionals involved in the purchase of your horse (even your own trainer!), and my system to keep the deal on the table and the players relatively honest - without drama. 

  • Know Your Field

    The 10 most important questions to ask the seller (that tell you about the horse... and tell you about the seller) and the 3 requirements all horses must have before even being considered. 


  • Super-Net System

    How I circumvent any question of ethics while being professional and friendly, and find unsoundness that sellers know how to hide with my super-net system (and how to build yours...)


  • Art Of The Deal

    How to use the EXACT negotiation strategies I use, and the number-one greatest ace card I carry to move around typical hangups that railroad a deal.  


    This will surprise you how it flows over into your professional life

“I've seen Leslie's deal making in action, and let me tell you, she flat-out knows how to buy horses. She spots magic like a baseball scout and knows how to work the deals in a way that makes you laugh... because at the end of it, the good sellers respect us, and the shady sorts aren't quite sure what happened. 

If you have a chance to learn from her, take it - but this is where she's really in her true zone. ”

Linda Radigan, River Bend Jumpers

 Warning - Time is a factor.  Opportunity is limited because  this class will be taught live every week for six weeks, and in order to provide those folks with the attention and information that will actually help.  

Once we hit 100 students, the doors to the

live session closes.

6 Week Online Course (Monthly) 

  • Six Week Live Course

  • Replays Available

  • TCH Guide to Equinomics

  • TCH Basic Horsemanship

  • TCH Equine Insider

  • Weekly Live  Q & A


(4 Monthly Payments)

6 Week  Online Course

  • Six Week Live Course

  • Replays Available

  • TCH Guide to Equinomics

  • TCH Basic Horsemanship

  • TCH Equine Insider

  • Weekly Live Q & A


(One Time Payment)

Meet The Trainer

Leslie Goodyear
Equine Professional 


Leslie Goodyear is an advisor and strategist for equine business development and equine investments. Her work includes international business development, strategic partnership development, personal and business consulting, international equine export, equine management, purchasing, marketing strategy, etc., stretching from the United Arab Emirates and Europe to South America and across North America.

As the founder of The Complete Horse, Leslie's mission is to connect 30 years of solid equine business knowledge, inspiration and her awesome international network of experts with everyone from the dreamer to Olympian who wishes to know more about horses from a knowledgable fun place that is as welcome as a warm barn.


  • International Equine Business and Investments Manager (Acquisitions & Sales)

  • Purchase & Campaign Management of USEF Horse of the Year Young Jumper, Catango V

  • Evaluation of over 30,000 horses across disciplines.

  • Private Equine Program, Facilities and Team Development Consultant

  • Preparation, Management & Sales of European Sales Topper Record Yearlings

  • Business and Leadership Development Corporate Advisor 

Start Learning Now Risk Free

Order The Complete Horse Guide to Equinomics now and get started on your journey to taking your equine journey in hand and no longer experiencing the.

  • Free Updates

    You will get all future course updates for free so you have the very latest information.

  • Instructor Support

    You will have direct support from the trainers during weekly Q&A calls during the course, and in our Facebook Group.

  • Lifetime Access

    You will have access to the course for life so you can watch it again and again.

  • Watch on Any Device

    Access the course from your Phone, Tablet, Laptop or Computer.

Risk Free - 100% Money Back Guarantee

We are so confident that you will love our course that if you’re not 100% satisfied with the quality of our training, simply ask for a full refund within 14 days. You can even keep all the bonus files.

© Copyrights 2019 by The Complete Horse. All Rights Reseved.